Dr. Krupa Shah – An Expert Homoeopathic Physician In Powai | Mumbai | India



Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that was founded over 200 years ago by German scientist Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD that embraces a natural and holistic approach to healing, i.e it treats the patient as an individual and not just their disease.

It is the most practice Alternative system of Medicine in the world today as per the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Homoeopathy has been used consistently for the past many years and has stood the test of time, over and over again, through its own intrinsic value. Millions of people use it daily and it has transformed countless lives.

Homoeopathy uses micro-doses of natural substances , which stimulate and strengthen the body’s defensive and healing capability.



It is based on the principle of, ” Similia Similibus Curentur”  that is ‘like cures like’. This law of Similars states that any substance which is capable of causing symptoms when taken by a healthy person is also capable of curing similar symptoms occurring as a result of disease in a sick person.

For example, while peeling an onion, it makes your eyes watery and your nose burning. If you are having an attack of Hay fever with watery eyes and burning nose , the homoeopathic remedy prepared from onion called Allium cepa could relieve it.

A well choosen remedy will stimulate the correct healing process and maximise the body’s own healing process to restore the patient naturally back to the best level of health for that individual. It is gentle, subtle, yet very powerful.

The homoeopathic remedies are made from naturally occurring substances such as plants and minerals , which are specially prepared, highly diluted substances given mainly in the form of  sugar pellets which are dissolved under the tongue.



  • Addresses the root cause of your problem
  • Treats holistically, i.e physically, mentally and emotionally
  • Supports and improves the immune system, reducing susceptibility to illness
  • Deep acting and long lasting effects
  • Gentle and safe enough for infants, children, the elderly and during pregnancy
  • No side effects, non-addictive
  • Complements and can be used safely along with conventional medicine/ therapies


The consultation is a safe space where you can feel free to explore your inner self, challenges and difficulties and we will ensure the utmost respect to you and your privacy throughout our journey together.

The first consultation would be around 30-45 mins.During consultation, you will be asked questions about your lifestyle, eating habits, temperament, personality, sleep patterns and medical history to enable a complete picture of you.

This holistic approach facilitates choosing a remedy that fits your individual needs with the aim of resolving your health issues, and get you back on track to being the best version of yourself!


The consultation is a safe space where you can feel free to explore your inner self, challenges and difficulties and we will ensure the utmost respect to you and your privacy throughout our journey together.

The first consultation would be around 30-45 mins.During consultation, you will be asked questions about your lifestyle, eating habits, temperament, personality, sleep patterns and medical history to enable a complete picture of you.

This holistic approach facilitates choosing a remedy that fits your individual needs with the aim of resolving your health issues, and get you back on track to being the best version of yourself!


Children’s Health Issues:

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Allergies, Recurrent cough and cold, Teething, Asthma, Rashes, Bedwetting, Infectious diseases, Growth Disorders, Sinusitis, Hormonal Imbalances, Injuries etc.

Musculoskeletal Problems:

Back Pain, Sciatica, Cervical spondylosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatism, General pains & aches.

Respiratory Conditions:

Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Chronic Sinusitis,
Bronchitis, Tonsillitis, etc

Women’s Health Issues:

Premenstrual Symptoms, Menopausal Troubles, PolyCystic Ovarian syndrome, Uterine Polyps and Fibroids, Difficult Conception, Irregular menses etc

Hair & Skin Issues:

Alopecia, Acne, Urticaria, Eczema, Psoriasis, Warts, Contact Dermatitis, Hairfall, Skin tags, Lichen Planus, Dandruff, Vitiligo etc

Kidney Issues: 

Kidney Stone,  Cystitis, Urinary Tract Infections, Chronic Kidney Disease etc 

Psychological Problems:

Depression, Anxiety Neurosis, Panic attacks, Phobias, Mood disorders , Behavioral disorders, Stress related Disorders etc

Neurological Troubles:

Migraine, Vertigo, Insomnia, Headaches, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease etc

Digestive Troubles:

Acid Reflux, Gas and Bloating , Constipation , Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Hemorrhoids, Gastritis, Colic , Stomach ulcer etc

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